Friday, November 10, 2006


Ok so I know I am a little behind on my blogging compared to when all of this shit is happening but at least i am putting it out there. So I got into skydiving this summer thanks to my dad really. My dad turned 65 this summer and for his birthday he wanted to go skydiving. So thats what we did. If you go to my video section you can see the video from my jump. I actually jumped twice that day. I jumped once with my dad and then quickly threw done another 100 bucks and jumped again right away with my step brother. The video you see is actualy a combination of both jumps. The second time I jumped was a bit of a thriller. A small corner of our parachute got snagged and you can see in the video that we start spinning uncontrolablly. He had to release the main parachute and pull our reserve parachute. It was quite the ride let me tell you!!!I was instantly addicted though. I have since gone one more time. So I managed to squeeze in 3 jumps before the end of the jumping season there in Harbor Springs. I actually hope to continue this and getting into skydiving as a major hobby for myself. After 3 tandem jumps (which I have completed ) you can go on to train to jump solo which takes the necessary training and about 7 more semi tandem jumps. By semi tandem I mean you jump with someone but you are not attached to each other. You kind of jump holding hands and you have a radio on and you get coached through your jumps that way.So once again check out the video in my videos section. That is only a very short version of the video. I had to edit it down cause myspace could not hold the whole file. Oh and by the way I didn't pick the music that was edited in there for me by the guys running the operation. Oh well.Much love
Jax's Skydiving Video

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